A - i work hard..and it pays off
2 - Could put in more
1 - EMA
Submission and quality of homework
Submission and quality of homework
2 - we dont get much homework in terms of writting... its all about highlighting and making sure u understand.. so yeh...
Ability to work independently
Ability to work independently
1 - love working by myself! get more done...and all the credit goes to me....
Quality of writing
Quality of writing
2 - okayish could be better
Organisation of Media folder
Organisation of Media folder
1 - im a neat freak.. i'll show you my folder Sir
Oral contributions in class
Oral contributions in class
1 - Say what i feel in terms of whats being discussed
Quality of coursework
Standard of Module 5 blog (Year 13s only)
Quality of coursework
Standard of Module 5 blog (Year 13s only)
1 - i feel that i have done alot!!! and its abit mean when ive been told that only only 5 people in the class have produced good work.. becuase i have to!!!
Standard of Module 6 blog (Year 13s only)
Standard of Module 6 blog (Year 13s only)
1 - I always put up 1 story a week even then Mr Bush didnt ask for it..i still did it!
b. Make a list of three targets/areas for improvement to be achieved before study leave.
1 - Make both teachers notice work i have done!!!keep buggin them =)
2 - may be read more articles - twice a week
3 - not to scream when watching a scary film
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