WoMeN : Film is seen as a reinforcement of traditional gender representation rather than a corrective. Crucial in this argument is the claim that the interpretation on behalf of the viewer takes place unconsciously, thus providing the basis for ignorance to gender oppression and subordination As Jonathan Schroeder notes, 'Film has been called an instrument of the male gaze, producing representations of women, the good life, and sexual fantasy from a male point of view' (Schroeder 1998, 208). The concept derives from a seminal article called ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ by Laura Mulvey, a feminist film theorist. Men do the looking; women are there to be looked at. The cinematic codes of popular films ‘are obsessively subordinated to the neurotic needs of the male ego’ (ibid., 33). It was Mulvey who coined the term 'the male gaze'.
How does this apply to Page 3? Well, as in most Bollywood films they break out into a song and dance. This occured when they were at a party celebrating an event when a women on stage began to sing attracting all the men as she did so. The dancer fufils the quality of 'looked-atness'' by wearing provocative costumes which encourages the male gaze. We are forced to watch this through the male perpective therefore assuming that the audience are male orientated.
MeN: It is widely noted that since the 1980s there has been an increasing display and sexualisation of the male body in mainstream cinema and television and in advertising (Moore 1987, Evans & Gamman 1995, Mort 1996, Edwards 1997).
How does this apply to Page 3? This film also flaunts the qualities of men E.g body. This is shown when the men are all posing on camera as they are advertising mens underwear.
OtHeR fAcToR: Gender is not the only important factor in determining what Jane Gaines calls 'looking relations' - race and class are also key factors (Lutz & Collins 1994, 365; Gaines 1988; de Lauretis 1987; Tagg 1988; Traube 1992).
Gratifications theory - this is when audiences watch or use the media for their own satisfaction, as it allows them to escape from everyday life for a short period of time. Audiences enjoy watching other people, as it allows them to feel normal as they dont have as many issues as those on television. This is the ecapism view that is held about Bollywood although the films that i will studying in fact show a realistic approach to life.
Levi Strauss came up with the theory about Binary opposition which means that two opposing forces and joined together. This links to my independent study as these two opposing forces are between the rich and the poor. The media and Madhvi.
Hyperdermic syringe theory- this will be used as a way of finding out the ways the show injects ideas into the audience on their ideologies. As many stereotypes and representations are made about people, some passive audiences may take in the ideas and believe everything they hear.http://www.rouncefield.homestead.com/files/as_media_mod1_audiences_ql.htm
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